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Eastbrook High FFA & Peerless Printing provide more Walkway of Lights patrons free entry

The following is a press release from the City of Marion

Walk­way of Lights patrons have mul­ti­ple oppor­tu­ni­ties to receive free entry into this year’s Walk­way of Lights, thanks to sev­er­al gen­er­ous dona­tions from busi­ness­es and organizations.

East­brook High School’s Future Farm­ers of Amer­i­ca (FFA) is match­ing Rolling Mead­ows’ recent dona­tion of $500 to give an addi­tion­al 100 cars free entry into the Walk­way of Lights on Sat­ur­day, Decem­ber 14th, 2019. That is a total of 200 free entries for the first 200 cars that night! East­brook FFA stu­dents will also be vol­un­teer­ing at the toll booth the evening of Decem­ber 14th.

Addi­tion­al­ly, Down­town Mar­i­on’s Peer­less Print­ing & Office Sup­ply has com­mit­ted a gen­er­ous con­tri­bu­tion of $1,000 to give the first 200 cars free entry into the Walk­way of Lights on the fol­low­ing Sat­ur­day, Decem­ber 21st.

The Walk­way of Lights Com­mit­tee is very grate­ful for the giv­ing spir­it of the busi­ness­es and orga­ni­za­tions who are com­mit­ting funds to help Walk­way of Lights vis­i­tors, includ­ing those who might be less for­tu­nate, enjoy the dis­plays this year. The com­mit­tee is also thank­ful for all of the spon­sors and vol­un­teers who have made this year’s Walk­way of Lights possible.

As a reminder, on Wednes­day, Decem­ber 18th, 2019, City of Mar­i­on Trans­porta­tion will pro­vide free bus rides into the Walk­way of Lights throughout­ the evening. Any­one inter­est­ed may be picked up from any bus stop on the reg­u­lar route as dri­vers wrap up the day, then will be tak­en to the down­town ter­mi­nal, where refresh­ments will be served as bus­es begin the Walk­way of Lights tran­sit ser­vice. At the end of the night, patrons will be returned to the ter­mi­nal then tak­en back to respec­tive bus stops. ADA para­tran­sit ser­vice is avail­able upon request. Please reserve a seat with Mar­i­on Tran­sit before the 18th by call­ing 765.668.4455.

Then on Wednes­day, Decem­ber 25th, 2019, Christ­mas Day, all entry into the Walk­way of Lights will be free of charge to all.

Nor­mal admis­sion into the Walk­way of Light per car­load is $5 per vis­it. It is oper­at­ing 7 days a week from 6 – 10pm through New Year’s Eve. The Walk­way of Lights is locat­ed at 1 Mat­ter Park Cir­cle, Mar­i­on, IN 46952.

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