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01:00 AM - 06:00 AM

Chad Seybold Denies Allegations in City TIF Lawsuit

Through court documents, the brother of former Marion Mayor Wayne Seybold has denied allegations that he mis-used city tax money in managing the renovations of the old Grant County Y-M-C-A Building.

Chad Seybold is one of the defendants in the city’s lawsuit over the renovations at the old Y building, which were begun but never finished and two-and-a-half million dollars in tax money for the project now cannot be accounted for.

The “Chronicle-Tribune” reports Chad Seybold claims in court documents that the money was not used for illegal reimbursements and were not used to make campaign donations to the political campaigns of Wayne Seybold.  The response also claims that banking officials should be included in the lawsuit that’s been filed in the case.  Seybold also denies making false claims in the case.


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