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01:00 AM - 06:00 AM

Indiana Launches Huge Broadband Expansion

Indiana is launching a 100-million dollar program to expand broadband internet services across rural parts of the state.

Governor Eric Holcomb says the Next Level Broadband program will bridge the digital divide, giving more rural Hoosiers access to the internet for business or personal uses.

The governor says the “internet is just as essential to Indiana’s prosperity today as highways were a century ago.”

The 100-million dollar program is among an additional one-billion dollar expansion that the governor announced in September.  It would be pumped into infrastructure projects across Indiana and the money will be raised through fee increases on heavy-duty commercial vehicles that use the Indiana Toll Road.

Broadband providers can initially apply for up to five-million dollars to expand service to un-served areas if they provide at least a 20-percent match.


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